Algorand is speedrunning the road to Sh*tCoin, As BitBoys writer announces – The Algorand Foundation CTO apparently working with BitBoy, “To Create Hype”.

What does your average Sh*tCoin and Algorand have in common? They're both working with BitBoy to promote their project.

A writer for BitBoy Crypto tweeted, “something big is coming for ALGO” after speaking with the Algorand Foundation CTO and stating the idea was cleared by the widely hated Crypto Influencer BitBoy.

Although it's not clear what “BIG” thing is coming for AlgoFam. Almost nobody in the AlgoFam is excited about the announcement.

After having a Terrible Bear Market it looks like the Algorand Chief Technology Officer is working with BitBoy to Create Hype. I don't think there could be a bigger red Flag for the Falling Crypto Coin.

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31 thoughts on “Algorand is speedrunning the road to Sh*tCoin, As BitBoys writer announces – The Algorand Foundation CTO apparently working with BitBoy, “To Create Hype”.”

  1. ALGO’s fall from grace has been painful to watch. Such a great project a couple of years ago before Silvio stepped back from it

  2. It’s unfortunate, because one of the reasons I’ve liked Algo is that they seem to have awesome tech and have seemed professional. However, with the recent “Nike”, and even the prospect of BitBoy working with them, it’s becoming much harder to stick with Algo. I hope they come to their senses and move on from BitBoy.

  3. This month a lot of things happened here and I lost my 2 major trust in crypto, the first is the ledger with its recovery feature and the second is Algorand which works with bitboy.

  4. > the Algorand Chief Technology Officer is working with BitBoy to Create Hype

    Haven’t us Algo bag holders suffered enough?

  5. ALGO seems more and more a bad idea. First this sub loves ALGO which is a huge red flag, second now something about BitBoy. No thanks.

  6. I have been shitting on Algorand for a couple years now and always got downvoted to oblivion.

    Algorand always has been an absolute worthless shitcoin.

    Come at me deluded algo fanboys!

  7. This is a sign of desperation. This is not the type of partnership that Algorand needs.

    Hell, I went back 100 blocks looking for an empty block and to use to rag on Algorand and I did not find one. This is showing that volume is up from just a few weeks ago when there were a lot of empty blocks.

    There was a block with 631 transfers and blocks with 1 transfer, but no empty ones.

  8. Algo is a corporation, it’s got VC’s to pay and overpaid executives that need their Salaries that are promised contracts. It’s only purpose is profit. And that profit comes from its inflation through governance rewards, which is gamed by lending loops, then dumped on retail investors.

  9. Algo is the perfect example of amazing technology failing due to lack of use. Doesn’t matter how fast or great the Blockchain is or how easy it is to develop on, if no one uses it

  10. And another r/cc favorite joins the pile of forgotten coins.

    This is the moment you either go full btc maxi or walk away if you have any sense.

    You’re welcome to repeat the same mistakes on whatever the next coin this sub shills, of course.

  11. A deal with bitboy…. that too a marketing deal…. well, My algo bag has already shed enough tears before this day.

  12. Seriously this is fucking lame Algo foundation using a scammer for promotion. Looks like they are finally heading down the rabbit hole !! Guess it’s time to swap Algo to Eth 🤣

  13. This will be the final nail in the coffin for Algo… sad to see this project end up like this

  14. AJ is one of Bitboy’s writer’s accounts. Do you have proof or details from the Algorand side?

    Not sure I’d trust a Bitboy Tweet.

    If this is true, it’s a pretty desperate move for Algorand.

  15. So many case studies on how to kill your company/project from the last year in crypto sadly

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