After nearly two years of a bear market, even the current dips barely make any change in realized losses. Clearly the bears seems to have dried out.

In just about four months we will be celebrating our second anniversary for this bear market, or it may be better to say a bear market followed by the crab market as right now. But still, two years with such a multitude of price crashes is no joke. In fact if we talk about absolute money values liquidated, this bear market is by far the worst with billions liquidated.

But it is also good to see that we are not at the beginning of the tunnel, but rather at the end of it. We are probably much closer to the end of this dark tunnel than to the beginning of it.

Realized Profit and Losses for BTC, chart by MitchellHODL

This is one chart to possibly show that the realized losses (which are actual losses traders took by selling below their entry prices) have been diminishing through-out the bear market. With our biggest impulse during the LUNA implosion in 2022 and then the FTX implosion had smaller impulse, then the Silicon Valley Bank collapse and now this.

Clearly bears are just tired by now, there is not much damage left to be done and everyone that wanted to sell mostly already sold. In other words, now finally the runway is cleared for the next bull run, even if the plane may take some rounds to take off.

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20 thoughts on “After nearly two years of a bear market, even the current dips barely make any change in realized losses. Clearly the bears seems to have dried out.”

  1. Longest bear market in history, let’s follow it up with the biggest bull run in history 🤑

  2. >even if the plane may take some rounds to take off.

    Well, as long as it’s not Yevgeny Prigozhin’s plane, let’s go!

  3. Holy shit are you telling me it’s now the perfect time to buy stock??? Does that extend to crypto too?

  4. I was part of those billions of liquidations a few times, it’s hard out here.

  5. Today was a nice break from the slide and crabbing, I will take this hopium pill gladly

  6. You did a better job than I would have liked Bears.

    It’s time for you to now go into hibernation.

  7. Its gonna feel weird when the markets turn and its green day after green. I forget what it feels like

  8. Good that we’ve been through all of this and are still here.

    I hope this is somehow rewarded in the future.

  9. It’s gonna be a long and slow uptrend hopefully.

    Then I want to see this sub drinking champagnes and driving lambos in 2 years from now.

    We all deserve it

  10. Part of me can’t believe it’s been that long but the other part struggles to remember the good times 🙃

  11. I think what’s been most revealing is as soon as FTX and Terra Luna were out of the game, the volatility that we’ve become accustomed to in crypto became much less, volatile. Makes you wonder what price action would be like if the largest exchanges were not actively trying to influence price in either direction. They gamify trying to liquidate their own users in order to generate profits in a zero sum game that punishes their supporters/customers. If we prevent that from happening anymore, does Bitcoin get boring and stable? I’d be ok with that outcome but I’m sure our high rolling leverage traders would not be pleased.

  12. Even the greediest bear must be losing their appetites by now. We have had the same cycle replay since the inception of Btc, there’s just no sane reason to be betting against it imo

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