A history lesson: That time 1GB block was successfully mined using Bitcoin Cash software on a Raspberry Pi 4.

Results (quote)

It took me some 1 hour 20 minutes to accept 5,2 million transactions to the mempool. Took some 2 minutes 23 seconds to generate a “light” block template.

I mined the 1G block 0000000004822a2d638459cf5a41c4df9f255f6744c4fd51bc81d5854cce0cbd on my RPi locally (with its respectable 800khash/s, it took me some 50 minutes), without hitting swap. The submission process (local re-validation) took some 9 minutes 50 seconds. It was correctly validated by my other BCHN node configured to accept 1GB blocks.

5.2M transactions took some 5GB of RAM, with the rest of my 8GB being used to create and validate the block.

I cannot show you the block on a node explorer, as it is out of Scalenet's consensus. But it being an RPi, the results are easily reproducible.

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5 thoughts on “A history lesson: That time 1GB block was successfully mined using Bitcoin Cash software on a Raspberry Pi 4.”

  1. Thanks for posting! The uninformed BTC sheep that wander to this sub need to be made aware. They certainly won’t get this kind of Bitcoin news in r/bitcoin. BTC limiting blocksize for the sake of average Joe’s running full nodes was complete b.s. And the same people they claimed to be looking out for will be hard pressed to pay transactions fees on BTC layer 1. What a scam. I’m glad real Bitcoin was preserved with BitcoinCash’s creation!

  2. Plus looking forward to what u/mtrycz can do with a Pi 5 (specs)

    • 48 times the cryptographic throughput (arms hardware acceleration finally unlocked on Pi’s)

    • 2 times memory bandwidth

    • true gigabit ethernet

    • native pcie x1 up to 980MB/s on pcie3 nvme ssd (Haven’t seen iops which prob matters for large UTXO set though should be significantly better than a pi4 using usb ssd)

    Now extrapolate with say Apples M2, closely bound on chip memory ~200GB/s (yes Gigabytes) native pcie x4 (at least) much faster crypto primitives, and even further out Nvidias Grace Hopper

    Today’s supercomputer is tomorrow’s game console

    This is where Andreas Antonopoulos gets it wrong imHo, saying we need Moore’s law to keep going in order to scale neglecting what could be done with even today’s silicon technology + an APPLICATION SPECIFIC APPROACH think hardware accelerated signing/verification

  3. What should be mentioned here:

    The time of 50 mins to mine the block is purely because it was CPU-mined on the RPi.

    In general, Bitcoin mining time is independent of the size of a block, because Bitcoin mining works on the 80-byte header data only.

    Once you have all the transactions, a Merkle hash is computed and put into the block header, and then the mining process tries to find suitable nonce values to meet the hash difficulty target.

    A 1MB, a 1GB block or a 1TB block should take the same time to MINE on the real network where mining is very competitive and uses extremely fast, dedicated computing hardware (ASICs).

    When it comes to propagating huge blocks over the network, size will matter but technologies like Graphene can vastly reduce the data exchanged for block transmission (down to maybe a few percent of the blocksize), assuming we’re considering a network of capable nodes that quite well in sync with their transactions.

  4. wait so did this person FIND a block with a 800kh/s cpu miner? How is that possible?

  5. while that is great, it also shows the limits looking at the times needed on a Pi4 versus the 10 minutes block time we want to keep

    me do guess a last Gen. Ice Lake or Epic with an enterprise mix mode NVMe can do much better to achive the 10 minutes goal

    from what me do remember, Satoshi saw this coming

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