$2,900 gas fee?! Someone explain it like I’m 5

Why is uniswap saying it’s this much for me to sell this coin? It’s not for others. This can’t be right…

18 thoughts on “$2,900 gas fee?! Someone explain it like I’m 5”

  1. Uniswap Reddit Auto mod post

    1. Never share your Secret Recovery Phrase with any site or person. Do not enter your Secret Recover Phrase into a pop-up window.
      Verify links are legitimate. Scammers often use these tactics.

    2. Beware of fake websites. The official website for Uniswap is https://uniswap.org/

    3. Beware of fake Twitter/X accounts. The official Twitter is https://twitter.com/Uniswap

    4. Our official Discord is https://discord.gg/D2zmtd3cUZ

    5. Uniswap Support will never DM you. We only handle support through support@uniswap.org and https://support.uniswap.org/hc/en-us/requests/new.
      Scammers use DMs to try and get access to your wallet.

    6. Do not click on suspicious links or files. This can lead to your device security being compromised.

    7. Do not “sync” or “validate” your wallet with any websites or forms. This is a scam. Never sync and share: QR Codes, Secret Recovery phrases, private keys, etc.

    8. Uniswap Labs has no plans for an airdrop, regardless of any information you may have seen elsewhere.

    I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

  2. Just stop buying ehtereum all you are doing is making the miners and others in the ethereum network millionaires by paying them this ridiculous gas fees. Ethereum is just another blockchain

  3. To pay less send your money to dex or binance or any exchange that your coin listed on it then trade it

  4. Gas on Ethereum fluctuates wildly. Check this before you start swapping https://etherscan.io/gastracker

    Average gas price is around 45 gwei nowaday, that means a swap will cost somewhere around $70 (@3.9k per Eth) no matter how much you swap (1k or 100m).

  5. Try to swap when everyone is asleep because network isn’t congested. For me gas prices go down around 2am

  6. Swap on L1 should be around $40 dollar right now, you should still use a L2 https://gashighdontcry.net

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