When you see world class universities like MIT and UBC starting to teaching blockchain and crypto technology courses, know for a fact that crypto is here to stay

These are all very well respected universities where each course has to go through a board of advisors first before being taught. These boards also consist of very knowledgeable individuals, mathematicians and doctors. So the fact that they all though it was a good idea to teach such courses give a ton of legitimacy to crypto and the future ahead of it.

It and it doesn’t only stop there. I’m only mentioning the utmost respectable universities to do this. There are many other universities that are introducing blockchain courses to their schedule of learning. There are even some crypto projects the likes of BitDAO that are funding autonomous entities like EduDAO with hundreds of millions of dollars in efforts to help bright students interested in technology become Web3 builders and developers.

Don’t take this with a grain of salt. This will have HUGE positive implications over the crypto market and ecosystem as a whole since it will be introducing young adults to crypto at an early stage in life making it a sort of norm later on when they become a working member of society.

This is one more thing to add to the list of activities that will boost crypto adoption later on in life. Crypto isn’t going anywhere except forward lads.

When you see world class universities like MIT and UBC starting to teaching blockchain and crypto technology courses, know for a fact that crypto is here to stay