WARNING: Do not use Trezor’s built-in Changelly exchange feature

I tried it for the first time today. I tried to exchange some BTC for LTC and to transfer to an external wallet. It has been over 6 hours and the transaction has not gone through. I spoke to a Changelly support person via email. They assured me that I'd have my funds shortly. That was hours ago. I emailed them asking for a more specific timeframe and they haven't responded to my email for over an hour. This is a terrible service. There ought to be a warning on Trezor.io.

I will never use this exchange feature again until I get a notice that it has been fixed. I hope I'm able to get my funds quickly because I wanted to use them right away, not days from now. This is ridiculous.

Update: It has been almost 12 hours since I initiated the transaction, and I don't have my money.

I have given Changelly a 1 star on the app store because they haven't given me my money back and they refuse to compensate me if and when they do give me my money. I recommend everyone does the same.

WARNING: Do not use Trezor's built-in Changelly exchange feature