Use to Earn utility – Phone2Earn | Fair launch ending in 20 hours on Pinksale | Zero fee & Contract renounced | Staking – Nft marketplace | creating bridge on Eth | Kyc and Audit completed |

Welcome to a project of Unique Utility!
Get rewarded by using your phone

Our project comes with a solution for your daily routine. Think that when you make a call, talk to someone through messaging apps, watch videos, movies, or even play games, it would become something profitable

Fair Launch ending in 20 hours on Pinksale.


The objective of our project is to make you earn while doing everything you normally do on a daily basis using your cell phone. The real revolution is turning something that is already in most of our day into something profitable.


– Nft marketplace
Users can list, buy and sell their nft’s on the Marketplace. A percentage of all NFT sales on the market are converted to sustainability earnings of the earnings system, in the future users will be able to create their own NFT’s and trade with the world.

– Scalability level
The integrated ecosystem will be a large-scale enterprise. all projects with scalability potential will be an important consideration because it will be accessible to a worldwide user base.

– Simplicity

Through blockchain, investors have complete freedom to see all transactions that are carried out within the project, as well as the money is used in the case of marketing, among others

– Phone2Earn ecosystem

The integrated ecosystem is designed to turn everyday usage into a way of earning, creating a growing economy that drives the value of phone tokens.

– Sustainability

Our project-integrated ecosystem is built with a strategic proposal for the long-term survival and profitability of our project.

– Metaverse

It will be an open world metaverse where users can explore, play, interact with other users.


– Phone2Earn: 30%

– Airdrop: 3% | Team: 5%

– Presale: 28% | liquidity: 15.96% | cex listing: 11.04%

Social Media:

– website:

Use to Earn utility - Phone2Earn | Fair launch ending in 20 hours on Pinksale | Zero fee & Contract renounced | Staking - Nft marketplace | creating bridge on Eth | Kyc and Audit completed |