The Nano X Battery Issue – and how we are responding to it

As many of you know from experience, approximately 5% of the Nano Xs sent since June 2021 have been received with battery issues. This has prevented a lot of you from properly using the features of the Nano X – which was designed to be a nomad device.

Please accept our sincerest apologies concerning this issue. We recognize that this has caused a lot of stress among our users and some big disappointments for all of you.

As soon as the defect was noticed, we worked hard to identify the root causes and to find the best way to fix these on the production level. We were looking for sustainable resolutions and this has unfortunately involved changes that took many months to be implemented into the production lines.

We are pleased to announce that the new Nano X production line will be running in 3 weeks. Until this moment, all the devices that we have in stock will be intensively tested to ensure that we do not send you faulty devices.

Once again, sorry for this experience. We're engaged to continuously improve our products and we will take this failure into consideration to make our quality standard stronger.

Thank you for the trust that you put into our products.