Starden – A P2E Universe on BSC, expanding the definition of a metaverse | Get your WL spot if you can | Enjoy 10% Referral rewards in BNB | Free 50 $DEN Airdrop

What's Starden?

Starden is an entire universe on the Binance Smart Chain consisting of connected worlds to give rise to full-fledged interplanetary objectives where each world's primary motive is to survive the infinite stretch of time.

When you own land in a particular world, you elect representatives to harness your planet's resources, push technological barriers, and progress as a civilization. You get a second life in Starden to realize your deepest wishes.

How does it work?

Starden gets published as a WebGL P2E simulation game with no particular concrete objectives. Let’s be real, you’re here to have fun and make money.

You’re introduced to 1000 worlds, each with its own societies and economics. You earn yield by participating in the said economies by providing value to the ecosystem as a whole. The only way to travel between these planets is through a ship either by owning it or paying a fare to the owner of the ship.

The planet’s characteristics and resource scales remain tied to the NFT it represents. The sky's the limit when it comes to beautification and the onus is on you (if you’re the owner) to make your planet as beautiful as you desire it to be.

Coming to the starships, consider upgrading your armor, stealth and firepower capabilities as soon as possible to prevent being damaged or looted by other ships. While no one can steal a ship except its NFT owner, it can definitely be damaged by unscrupulous actors. Repairing your ship will cost you the necessary materials which would need to be purchased/mined from a trader/planet.

Starden is an ambitious project aiming to define the word “metaverse” as we so lightly throw around. The community on which this bed will be built will be the foundation of Starden in the future.

What about Staking?

Staking is referred to as Lending here in Starden . If you own a planet or ship, you’ll be able to lend it out in case you’re too busy to manage it yourself. When you do that, you earn interest which you decide from those who borrow your NFT to play the game.

If the borrower is good enough, they can earn from Starden’s economy while you get fixed interest from it. Everyone makes a profit!

All of this will be facilitated by BSC’s Smart Contracts.

Real utility will drive Staking instead of tokens that dump to infinity while giving out high APRs.

To get an exclusive invite only Whitelist spot, you need to have at least 2500 $DEN tokens. $DEN is the governance, utility and currency of Starden.

Read the litepaper from the website to know more. The quicker you attain $DEN, the higher your Planet’s rarity will be.

Airdrop: Claim 50 $DEN tokens as an Airdrop. First come, first serve. Limited tokens available.

Referral Rewards: If your friends claims 50 $DEN Airdrop/buys $DEN, you get 10% $DEN (automatically sent to your address) and 10% BNB (withdraw it from our website).

50 BNB Giveaway: Register on-chain for the 50 BNB giveaway on our website. This is for referrers only.

Website and Airdrop: (use this link please for my referral)

Starden - A P2E Universe on BSC, expanding the definition of a metaverse | Get your WL spot if you can | Enjoy 10% Referral rewards in BNB | Free 50 $DEN Airdrop