Solanacraft Minecraft Server, Earn Crypto (Mods Please Read Body Text)

Yes, this is legit for a chance to potentially ​earn Solana, promise on my kid's life. I want to create a well-moderated, tight-knit, friendly community around Minecraft & Crypto.

I've ran minecraft servers on and off for several years, check here: lists this server and my other old one can be seen on the profile.

I have no interest in scamming, been scammed, never have scammed and never will someone else. Need to disclaimer here upfront because of that reputation that floats around crypto.

I'm starting with Solana, but may add other crypto options so this isn't just a Solana related post. I've been an active member of this board, please check post history.

Here's my info blurb. Mods contact me if I need to change anything please:

Earn real Solana outside the game by gaining mSol points ingame! Randomtp and free land plots, active experienced moderation , and aiming to build the best Minecraft community out there. Zero Griefing tolerance.

Each week, by the weekend, the top three players will qualify to earn real Solana! Simple to earn mSol, in game but there's going to be competition for sure.. only weekly top three mSol earners each week can earn mSol to exchange for Solana, for now. Come check us out!



Not affiliated with Solana/Solanalabs