Sharing my passion project with you guys – hope you enjoy and get some value out of it!

First of all – Happy Easter Holidays-

This is mainly just a hobby project I developed in my free time as a way to give back to the community I love. I have an unhealthy obsession with cryptocurrency and data which fuelled my desire to create an easy to use dashboard with minimal barriers to entry (completely free, no signups – no sales, no gimmicks etc.. just fun and zero barriers).

Hope you find some value in what i've created – if not, i'm always open to feedback and suggestions.

You can view……

  • Live trading price feed across most well known exchanges
  • Live liquidations as they occur across most exchanges
  • Live whale-watching movements (to and from exchanges ~ wallets)
  • View various metrics such as historical fear/greed, open interest, company holdings, news
  • Practice your trading skills with a simple paper-trading simulator
  • Socialise with other people in the community chat – or don't – it's up to you and the site is fully usable without registering/logging in (aside from the paper-trading as you need an account to preserve your data).

… and a bunch more stuff!

The website is:

For the paranoid, here's a google report on how safe the site is before you click on the link (which is always good practice):

Hope you enjoy and have a great Easter. Cheers and all the best!

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