Report: Gokumarket is a scam exchange which steals funds from customers and the projects which are listed on the exchange

Hello everyone

We would like share a scam report which clearly shows how Gokumarket (a crypto exchange with 500 million USD daily volume) scams their listed coins/tokens and that the whole exchange does wash trading without any real funds backed. Gokumarket steals the liquidity/market making and even the funds of the average users (from their personal Gokumarket wallets) of the tokens which are listed on Gokumarket to sell them on other exchanges. Users are unable to withdraw their funds since 3 months.

The Wanda.Exchange team tried to clear everything out with Gokumarket, so that Gokumarket delists Wanda.Exchange from the exchange and gives back all the WE token back to the team and also to the community which can't withdraw their funds since 3 months. Wanda.Exchange is in contact with the authorities in Estonia, Hong Kong and Thailand to take legal steps against Gokumarket. Many other projects listed on Gokumarket have the exact same problem and users can't withdraw their funds.

Please see annexed our full detailed report with all the proof of this scam exchange and feel free to edit and share the report.

Report: Gokumarket is a scam exchange which steals funds from customers and the projects which are listed on the exchange