$REBL on CoinMarketCap🔥 Starting to MOON📈 20 Influencers post today | TikTok video | AMAs lined-up | Massive marketing🚀Contract audited & Liquidity locked |

💻 Tech – Solid tech with self-enhancing mechanisms leading to exponential growth.
📊 Vision – Elevate an entire community to financial freedom
✊ Community – Great and fun community to ride with
🏋️‍♂️ Team – Multicultural, European, engineers, execs from leading companies

The Rebellion Protocol is the first 100% community driven systemic exponential growth cryptocurrency project.

The project stems from a simple question: Can we create together a project that is so strong that it elevates an entire community to financial freedom and subsequently makes the established financial system irrelevant?

The answer was to build a cryptocurrency with the kind of systemic growth that generates ripple effect throughout its entire ecosystem, that is self-enhancing and exponential, and therein displays overwhelming momentum and moves with unstoppable force.

The project's primary token, Rebellion protocol ($REBL), a BEP-20 token, incorporates built-in virtuous-circle mechanisms, such as Reflection (automatic reward to token holders), Automatic LP Scalability (automatic liquidity increase) and allocations to what is called the “Rocket Pool” (an investment fund governed by the community). Each of these three mechanisms are financed by a 3% fee taken on each $REBL transactions, resulting in a total transaction fee of 9%.

The project envisions an ecosystem where decentralization is key. As such, a secondary token, called Forger DAO ($FORG), a BEP-20 token, will be developed to function as a governance token for its holders to drive the project. $FORG exhibits no transaction fees. Both tokens function in tandem, as $FORG tokens are distributed to people staking $REBL, while $FORG tokens guarantee its holders the power to govern the $REBL project.

As a $REBL token holder, you constantly receive additional $REBL (due to the reflection mechanism), if you stake these $REBL then you are constantly rewarded with $FORG on top of your $REBL (due to the staking reward). This means, the more you wait, the more value accumulates in your wallet and the more powerful you become over the project.

The project's mascot, named the RainMaker, is from the Dogo Argentino breed, a pack-hunting dog that exhibits our community’s values: bravery, loyalty and union.

We are more than a community, we are a rebellion! Join us on our way to Saturn.

– 1 TIKTOK video 250k member account
– 1 Youtube 300k account | 40k views video
– 9 TG channel pinpost + Shiling in hundred groups
– 1 Instagram post 13k members
– 20 major Reddit subs posts
– CMS Reddit sub post
– 8 Twitter Influencers post in the next 2 days with combined 600k members
– 2 Massive AMAs in next 2 days
– More to come


🥞 Buy : https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0xbb8b7e9a870fbc22ce4b543fc3a43445fbf9097f

💻 Website: https://rebellionprotocol.com/

💬 Telegram: https://t.me/RebellionProtocol

🐥 Twitter: https://twitter.com/RebellionToken

📖 Whitepaper: https://wp.rebellionprotocol.com/

📊 Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/REBLProtocol/

💡 Medium: https://medium.com/@RebellionProtocol/how-to-buy-rebl-on-pancakeswap-135d918611b3

$REBL on CoinMarketCap🔥 Starting to MOON📈 20 Influencers post today | TikTok video | AMAs lined-up | Massive marketing🚀Contract audited & Liquidity locked |