🔥PARABOLIC🔥 [Designed for Pumping The Chart] From the producers of Mind Music 🎼 Presale on 30th Sept, 23:00 UTC | Private presale raised over 350 BNB❗ Video Chat in 4 hours | Join !

💣 The token that's been designed to EXPLODE 💣

Parabolic Token has been carefully designed to achieve a single purpose – GOING PARABOLIC! Super addictive game and tokenomics will benefit the coin and consistently take it to new heights. Game will be released in November, so don’t miss your chance to get in early!

📝PARABOLIC Whitelist competition is filling up, 1000s of entries. HURRY!

👇 Link to enter Whitelist competition👇


🔥 PARABOLIC Tokenomics 🔥

Tokenomics have been perfectly designed to ensure there is constant buy pressure and high volume. Low taxes enable users to swing trade without being punished with enormous taxes.

  • Initial Total Supply 1,000,000,000,000
  • Initial Game Liquidity (Locked) 200,000,000,000
  • Dxsale Whitelisted Presale 631,890,600,000
  • Private Presale 168,109,400,000

🔥 3% Buy Back Unlike most other coins that simply buy back tokens and send them to a dead wallet, we will buy back the tokens and automatically pair them with multiple liquidity pairs. This will increase the floor price of the coin and generate a higher transaction volume to keep the liquidity pools level. We will pair liquidity in 8 different pairs BNB, BTC, ETH, BUSD, USDC, USDT, DOGE, CAKE.

🔥 3% Deflationary Burn Most other coins simply burn tokens by sending them to a dead address, we burn our tokens by completely removing them from supply. This constantly decreases the liquidity to market cap ratio and therefore increases the individual price of each token. We fully expect this tokenomic to remove at least 20% of the supply from existence within 24 hours of launch.

🔥 3% Auto-Liquidity Nothing says a healthy token like having a ton of liquidity! Having a large amount of liquidity increases the stability of coin and reduces the impact of any sells on the chart. Reducing the impact of sells is vital to keeping a chart moving upwards

🔥 3% Game Development This percentage of all transactions will be used to fund the development our game. The moment that game is paid for and released, we will update this tokenomic to a 2% reflection that rewards the holders of the coin and a 1% donation to Mental Health Awarness. We expect to update this tokenomic at some point in November

🚀 When does PARABOLIC launch? 🚀

Presale goes live on the 30th of September 2021 at 23:00 UTC. More details can be found on presale page. Here also you can find Whitelist competition, which is up and running right now!!! Filling up pretty fast as well!!!


☎️ Contact ☎️

🌎Website | 💬Telegram

Little info about previous ventures of the team:

  • As mentioned above 🔥PARABOLIC is created from authors of Mind project. 😇Mind project is designed to raise awareness for mental health by generating ideas applicable within scopes of blockchain technology and executing them in a way to catch an eye of as many people as needed to make real difference.

What is 🎼 Mind Music?

  • Mind Music is a long-term secure project with a doxed team. Mind Music will eventually become its own independent record label collaborating with musicians around the world. 80% of the profits raised from the record sales of every release will be donated to mental health and suicide prevention charities, while the remaining 20% will be used to buy and burn Mind Music Coin and increase its value for holders.

🎼 How To Buy Mind Music?

  • 📝Contract: 0x897304D4606B2d5FcAf886aa7AA143e478EC36C5
  • 🥞PancakeSwap: https://pancakeswap.finance/swap#/swap?outputCurrency=0x897304D4606B2d5FcAf886aa7AA143e478EC36C5&inputCurrency=BNB
  • 💩PooCoin: poocoin.app/tokens/0x897304d4606b2d5fcaf886aa7aa143e478ec36c5

🔥PARABOLIC🔥 [Designed for Pumping The Chart] From the producers of Mind Music 🎼 Presale on 30th Sept, 23:00 UTC | Private presale raised over 350 BNB❗ Video Chat in 4 hours | Join !