OST launches Project Entroverse to become EVM-compatible

IOST launches Project Entroverse to become EVM-compatible

IOST’s Project Entroverse gears towards capitalizing on the craze of Dapps on Ethereum and its network to ramp up the IOST ecosystem. The kick-off of Project Entroverse enables IOST to inch closer to becoming a powerful and compelling interoperable blockchain network.

  • Developers can easily integrate Ethereum protocols with IOST. Reusing contracts saves their time and energy writing contracts and codes and creates opportunities for developers to move chains easily.
  • EVM users will be able to operate with familiar Ethereum applications in the IOST network while enjoying the superior benefits of the IOST mainnet including up to 99% lower gas fees (compared with Ethereum) and high transaction throughput (up to 8000 TPS) and instant transaction confirmations, thereby eliminating the thresholds and improving congestion and slow user experience.
  • IOST users will benefit from a broader pool Dapps thus enjoy an improved and more elevating user experience as EVM-based applications and their on-chain assets come to the IOST network.

OST launches Project Entroverse to become EVM-compatible