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Critically evaluating oscar swap

Undoubtedly oscar swap has created a unique piece that is based on Arbitrum block chain . It will surely lessen the fee and increase the speed of transactions but do you think only these two aspects are important for evaluating a crypto project. To my mind one should gauge a project on three basis what Problem is the project trying to solve ? What is the plan to solve this problem and third is it secure??


The main focus of oscarswap team is use of Arbitrum blockchain in their project and combat the issue of speed and high fees but to my mind these two factors are not crucial problems . The main focus should be on privacy and security.

Setbacks of having Dex in oscarswap

As far as oscar swap is concerned no doubt it has added much to Dex utilities but it is unable to sort out the basic issues faced by crypto fraternity in Dex for example we don't have central authority index. no one is there to ensure the implementation of rules mad regulations. It can be easy to do illegal activities and frauds. There is lack of accountability on Dex. In case of any failure no body will be held responsible and grievances of participants will go unheard and people with in adequate crypto information will find find it difficult and it will eventually least the growth of cryptoeconomy.

Risks associated with yield farming

Another drawback of oscar swap is repetition of yield farming feature. Almost every crypto project is dealing with this project. people get perplexed about choosing the right project. Not only this it come along with several other issues like It is risk prone because volatile and untested tokens are involved in it. Smart contract that supports yield farming are very vulnerable, it leads to major losses. In yield farming some times you will be provided with liquidity to decentralized exchanges. It might result in temporary losses . It happens when prices in oscar swap fluctuates It reduces over all value of the liquidity provider's assets. Amidst crypto crises people are afraid to face even a single loss. It can have complexities because for participation you need to have ample knowledge. It can be a hurdle for people with less crypto knowledge.

Popularity of yield farming results in market saturation. New tokens and protocols are being launched on daily basis that makes it difficult to recognize the opportunities that have long term value. Because of saturation people start investing in scams

Tech talk

Lack of effective marketing in oscarswap can be a stubling block for project growth as we all are well aware of the fact that Digital marketing has a significant importance for engaging large num of audience . even if your product Is impeccable, your content is captivating, if your page doesn’t appear among the top search results, it will become matter of opinion.

New startegies strong communication through different social media platforms are needed to strengthen the linkages among main stakeholders like community ,sponsors and developers. Success of project oscar swap is very much dependent on effective marketing. Good marketing will get more audience and investors. by making quality content marketing campaigns can grab new investors .

By resolving the issues discussed above oscar swap can be a great project in the future with its tremendous features.


WEBSITE: https://oscarswap.com/

REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/oscar_swap

GitHub: https://github.com/Oscarswap

App: https://app.oscarswap.com/

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