Oasis Network’s Week(s) in Review: ETHDam, New Grants, & More!

Happy weekend everyone!

i'm here with another recap of this week on the Oasis Network stormfront. Here are the key highlights:

  • Access to the Oasis Network token is now available through
  • Two grants approval were announced this week for:
    • DeltaDAO for ParaTime development
    • SmartWhales Grant for Confidential Copy-Trading
  • Beyond Passkeys: The Oasis Solution for Account Abstraction article was released
  • Another course was released on Oasis Academy: Basic Blockchain Structure
  • Trivia is back with a 15$ prize for the winner
  • And last but not least Oasis will be on the headline of ETHDam this April in Amsterdam

    I'm sharing the link to the video for anyone who wants more details.
    Happy watching, and let me know which update caught your eye this week!