Oasis Network’ Week in Review: Illuminex, Smart Whales, Oasis Academy and more

Hello and wishing everyone a joyful weekend,

The Weekly recap from the Oasis Network is here. Let's explore the main highlights:

  • Illuminex The confidential DEX is fully launched and shining bright on Dex Screener
  • Sapphire 101: New course launched on Oasis Garden with four workshop tasks
  • Space with SmartWhales: Will hosted a space with SmarWhales where they discussed how they are using OPL for their on-chain copy trading
  • Ecosystem Projects Forum: A place on the Official Discord server where project owners can showcase their work, interact with community members, and share updates and milestones regarding their projects
  • Oasis Odyssey 2.0: Oasis Odyssey will level up with a big launch and big prizes so keep you eyes on the official news channels
  • Meet Mihnea: Mihnea will be a guest in the meet the team series and will talk about the community strategy for 2024

I'm sharing the link to the video for anyone who wants more details.
Happy watching, and let me know which update caught your eye this week!