My metamask account randomly reset itself, and I lose all of my info.

I was using the metamask app normally. I closed it, and then when I opened it again, all of my info was gone. I was still signed in. But all of the different chains I had added were gone, all of the coins that I added were gone, and my second account that I had connected to that wallet was gone. I can't even remember all of the different coins I added to my wallet. Is there a way to redeem all of those and the chains I added? I don't mind readding the chains because there isn't that many of them, but I'm more worried about all of the different coins. Is there a way too see what coins are in a wallet, if the coins aren't added to the metamask wallet yet? Also is this normal, that my account would just reset itself? The login, and seed phrase are still the same, but all of my info is gone. Anybody have any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated.