ILV is the greatest bear market token in history!!


ILV is the greatest bear market token in history!!

In this video I describe the ways ILV earns profits during the crypto bear market. Illuvium will survive the bear market and come through the other side. When it does I will be here waiting with bags full to the brim. SIMPLE Revdis Calculator: /> ILV is a powerful token that can be staked for incredible yield. Revenue will be distributed from Illuvium to all staking token holders and if you want to learn more about its strength in Crypto make sure to watch some of my other videos. I look at the token in great depth and analyse its strengths and weaknesses. Please Like this video If you found it helpful and please subscribe to stay up to date with the latest Illuvium news, and do not forget to follow my Twitter. Please Do your own research before investing in anything, especially NFTs and Crypto. This is not Financial Advice. ________________________________________________________________________ Useful links EmergentDAO Discord: P EmergentDAO: O Shiny Shards Guild: r My ERC20 wallet address: Scoriox.nft Youtube: /> Patreon: x Twitch: x Merch: h Twitter: x Unstoppable Domains: ________________________________________________________________________ Illuvium Website: Illuvium Discord: m Uniswap: Sushiswap: p ILV CA: 0x767fe9edc9e0df98e07454847909b5e959d7ca0e ETH/ILV SLP Token CA: 0x6a091a3406e0073c3cd6340122143009adac0eda sILV-2 CA: 0x7E77dCb127F99ECe88230a64Db8d595F31F1b068