I want to protect my computer from viruses that steal the key from Matemask, is windows defender enough?

In short, I've been in crypto since 2015, although there weren't 20,000 cryptocurrencies then, there were only a few, and there weren't as many exchanges as they are today.

Time has passed and many things have really changed. Lots of news, I'm back in cryptocurrency this year and I have to learn things all over again. For example, in May, they somehow managed to steal tokens from my Matemask, it was a phisher, and I was very surprised, how could they do this? Did I not recognize Fisher? I have already changed that wallet and have a new one. In short, I studied the working mechanism of Matemask and realized that it is better not to connect Matemask to anything, it is better to transfer it to the exchange and sell it there.

I am still afraid of specific viruses or Trojans that come with pirated files, and I think I should insure myself somehow

I want to protect my computer from viruses that steal the key from Matemask, is windows defender enough?