Has anyone found a good fix for when your Ledger device stops showing the approval request on the dongle?

I did search. Google. Here.

So I use MetaMask. My Ledger is connected to MetaMask.

As you know, when you go to, say, do a swap, MetaMask pops up, has the little blue box asking you to connect your device, put in your code, open the Ethereum app.

Ok, so I do that and then confirm and then wait… And nothing pops up on my device. And so now these transactions are sitting stuck as well…… Lol

I did already do the advanced options MetaMask so it would connect to Ledger Live. Had Ledger Live open and dongle connected and open and still just sat there when I confirmed in metamask.

Thanks so much for any help. I'm sorry if this is asked a lot. I tried searching. Wasn't sure how to word it without using too many words.

Has anyone found a good fix for when your Ledger device stops showing the approval request on the dongle?