God bless bitcoin is available now for free


“God Bless Bitcoin takes a deep dive into the moral and ethical aspects of Bitcoin and the impact that this money can have on the world.”

15 thoughts on “God bless bitcoin is available now for free”

  1. BTC is the farthest away from the delusional fantasy world of religion you can get. Why taint absolute truth with faith?

  2. I will be watching it, excited. People wondering what truth/morals has to do with God need some reading up to do. Yet another rabbit hole that Bitcoin touches. Now seems like the best time ever to explore what God is. Watch some atheist debates on morality to uncover their logical flaws.

  3. Bitcoin’s impact is inherently driven by being detached from this kind of thing.

  4. Is Trump’s bitcoin talk responsible for that type of bullshit posts?

    Bitcoin doesn’t have anything to do with any religion or “god”

  5. That thing is gosh awful. I like bitcoin, do not like the concept of tying it to religion. Keep the two separate.

  6. This is the epitome of proselytizing. OP is spamming his religious garbage on normies and being very obnoxious about it.

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