Furry Doge | Live on PancakeSwap | Decentralized Blockchain | Liquidity Locked | Doxed team | 5% Reflection | Huge partnership & marketing plan | Next Gem Token

FURRY is a decentralized blockchain platform providing Agricultural assistance in a safe and decentralized way .Furry emphasizes financial security and no presale, no allocated team tokens, and burned LP tokens. The fate of the project will be decided upon by the community.

FURRY is a decentralized experiment and, as such, we always incentivize the use of DEXs. If you choose to utilize a CEX instead, remember to research it first to ensure it is both safe and secure.

How to buy:

Furry Doge: is purchased and sold through Pancakeswap and an ever growing list of CEXs.

Contract Address: 0x11cd5acad178bbfc1b3b5b66a5f7d47c89747e7f


An experiment in decentralized community building. This was the foundation for Furry Doge What could hundreds or thousands of random people achieve by working together. The answer turned out to be quite a lot and we are only just getting started. Furry Doge is more than a token, It is a lifestyle and a family of dedicated community members all working towards a common goal.

Why Furry Doge?

– Doxed team

– 200+ Holders

– Liquidity Locked

– 5% Reflection

– 5% Passive Income

– Healthy MCap

Furry Doge team have given you a wide variety of social platforms that you can engage with and communicate with other people in the project. Right there you can contact the team and ask them anything you feel like it! I have done it myself and they are flawless in their response.

Contract Address: 0x11cd5acad178bbfc1b3b5b66a5f7d47c89747e7f

Website: https://furrydogebsc.com/

Furry Doge | Live on PancakeSwap | Decentralized Blockchain | Liquidity Locked | Doxed team | 5% Reflection | Huge partnership & marketing plan | Next Gem Token