Feg token | Price Prediction | Technical Analysis | Unleash The FEG!!!

Crypto Rico

Feg token | Price Prediction | Technical Analysis | Unleash The FEG!!!

9 FEG Burn Mechanisms: ✅FEG 2% Tax on 3 Tx’s: (3) Buys/Sells/Transfers burn FEG -1.1708%(+)/ transaction FEGeth -1.1399%(+)/ transaction FEGbsc ✅0.5% of SmartDeFi sells Tx’s buy & burn FEG ✅0.1% of FEGex buys burn FEG ✅0.1% of FEGex sells burn FEG ✅0.5% of FEG p2p transfers burn FEG ✅0.5% of all presale totals buy & burn FEG ✅NEW BURN MECHANISM TO BE ANNOUNCED SOON! / t n / / . To enter this weeks$100 Give away at the end of the week don’t miss out on free money my appreciation for all the support thank you… 1:subscribe 2:like 3follow me on twitter 4:Tag me and a friend on twitter @CryptoRico12 and let it be proof that i truly want us us us to experience the abundance of money together shout out to all the Dev support and cant say the with out thanking my subs once again we got a lot here this will only continue as we grow and this abundance is up for us if we allow it to lets work together let me know what tokens you are following so that i can support your project that you are invested in help me help you TEAM!!!! TOGETHER EVERY ACHIVES MORE… and that’s what we are embarking on with a keen awareness and community Feng shui attitude mix with good vibes is a great recipe… If you’d like to join my weekly alerts group CashApp $10 to $CryptoRico9 this discount is for this week only. Send the CashApp then email me asap to gain access email is cryptorico9@gmail.com

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