Donation Goal Completed !!

Hello everyone! has made its goal of 1BCH!!

Thank you for the donors and to those who liked and commented on previous posts about it. This was my first campaign and I'm super proud to have gotten to this point. Now the work really begins ๐Ÿ™‚

This has been a great community thus far and I'm excited to share and grow the movement.

The campaign was to fund development of BCH node software onto the StartOS community registry. Start9 is BTC supportive but has its main focus on sovereign computing.

Learn more about Start9 here

They offer servers on which you can install software to become digitally sovereign. Use them to store media, passwords and eventually run your BCH node (When our project is complete)

Thx again guys!

1 thought on “Donation Goal Completed !!”

  1. Grats!
    The campaign data & pledgers is saved and will be viewable under the Archived tab on at some point when I get around to finishing that ๐Ÿ™‚

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