Deepspace DPS, alpha game released 10M MC

DEEPSPACE ($DPS) is a space-based metaverse exploration strategy P2E game recently launched on the BSC blockchain. The DEEPSPACE team believes too many blockchain games have poor gameplay. Foremost they want to ensure the game is engaging, fun to play, and immersive.

Play Secure with DEESPACE

Ensuring security was also a key driver, the team completed a comprehensive multi-week audit with Certik. Project funds are protected by a multi-signature protocol that requires 4 of 6 custodians to sign off on every transaction. Once the team locked in the fundamentals, development started in earnest.

Therefore, DEEPSPACE’s proprietary technology allows seamless integration between their blockchain marketplace on-chain and real-time action for the player.

Alpha game and alpha marketplace has been launched the last week

Alpha site

TG: deepspacegame


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