Cos’è e come funziona il Wallet Metamask. Guida al wallet su Blockchain Ethereum

Bitcoin & Crypto Strategy con Maury
Cos’è e come funziona il Wallet Metamask guida al wallet su Blockchain Ethereum Come creare il wallet MetaMask integrato nel tuo browser e sfruttare a pieno tutte le sue funzionalità. Download: / Community: i Canale Trading Automatico: a Coinbase Acquista e Vendi Cripto: e Binance il Mioglior Exchange al mondo: /> ————————————————- Empire Trading Automatico: v ————————————————- Donazioni per supportare il canale BTC: 37dbQ6KgLFkGWMxL8xeFX6vqikNSd5cn5F Donazioni per supportare il canale ETH: 0xA372a92e312F3efcE8450fa37a4B8B0F66B83A56 Il video NON è un consiglio finanziario. Fate le vostre ricerche e studiate l’argomento prima di prendere decisioni NON INVESTITE SOLDI CHE NON POTETE PERMETTERVI DI PERDERE Nel RISPETTO della legge N° 70 del 09/03/2003 Le informazioni facenti parte di questo gruppo sono da considerarsi esclusivamente di carattere culturale e informativo.

hello to all guys welcome back to my channel today let’s see how to download and install meta mask a bed and that runs on the blue gives tyrion then supports all tokens erc 20 and derivatives let’s access half mask the mint address male point I will still leave you the link description is a wallet that can be installed on different browsers it can also be installed on smartphones and also supports hardware wall net as you can see it is supported by chrome firefox braves and edge and let’s see how it is downloaded let’s go to download we choose adesi if we want to download it as a very convenient google extension this function install half males as you see the extinction opens we have to do is add add extensions and we will find ourselves directly at this screen if we have logged in for the first time welcome to beta becomes masche half mask a safe safe for sub identity and tyrion we are glad to see you ini Let’s go then here we have two possibilities while hamas asking us if the new yes we start or not I already have a sentence yes of the sentence yes of the are the classic 12 words that I always tell you to save yourself from anywhere not to share because they are used to make a restore in case there is a need to create a new wallet then in this case we are new so let’s create wallet almost side of the dispute we allow enter a password we are in terms of use and go to create then here says secret phrase to make backups we can do or remind me later it will be revealed to you later or we can directly click on this rectangle and copy these words that will be used to make a possible restore then let’s do it remind me later to speed up a bit then here it shows you where meta must can be connected directly you can connect to this exchange a i suap para suap now opened a bit all the new new notes 9 pitching on a define arrived in this screen we have our address that we can copy it to paste it eventually we make the example that I want to send you some shots from buy nuns in half mask or from any other wallet we can see the details of the account so we see our address we can check our transactions on tuscan export the private key so this means safe in the sense that we keep all the data and especially our private key new is not inserted in a centralized system we can set a name that we put maurizio we give ok we can make all the wallets that we want below we have to say a as basic currency and then to move coins send them in the ex change we still need some shots deposited to pay for the gas gas are the tyrion here we have the activities we can add a token because as I said this wants led supports togas black c20 and not only we can look for any act that we see later putting it we can put a stop by clicking on add token we will see it here we can send one of its words then change it to any other crypto currency supported by the suap or it will receive to receive it we will use the same address here we can send ours in our coins receive and do unpacked then of exchanges lately as a novelty there is also the possibility to buy fried currencies we can buy them on wired or make a direct deposit by clicking at the top on this box we can see the detail of the account then with the value of our wallet and name create more wallets importing an account connecting a hardware wallet are the safest wallets information help and settings we can change the currency there are contacts where we can enter contacts maybe of our friends to send back what you evaluate you understand from security security privacy 4 we are going to reveal our sid sentence so copy it when you reveal it everywhere and you don’t share it we can see the networks this here is the main network because we are fried rue and information about half males with hamas customer support for how he saw it connects to the de fi so we can use the same wallet to our chrome extensions on different liquid exchanges on the de fi I don’t seem to forget anything sending suap purchases receiving by now you know how it works so even if I showed it to you in a quick approximate way you already know how to send or receive i broken possibly if you want to write it in the comments I will make you a detailed video you know about the problems on sending and receiving tokens if you are not even write me this wallet as I said you can download it on chrome ios and android so you can rest assured in a iron barrel because with this half mas wallet that as we have seen before we can also download it for ios and android in both campbe roles The extensions the private keys are always in our hands this remembered that as far as you want to own our private keys it means or sit being the owners of our crypto currencies guys for this very short tutorial it’s all as usual subscribe to the channel let me online that if you want to contact me or contact us click on the link at the top right that you find in the home of the channel that says telegram to access our community, see you next time