CAKE Supply Monitor – 0015 – 20220307

CAKE Circulating Supply starting 22 Nov 2021

Actual Change per Burn starting 22 Nov 2021

What is this?

  • This is a simple chart showing CAKE Supply change after each burn

Why bother making this when you can just visit Messari?

  • Because it doesn't show the acting forces on the graph (Total Supply, Total Burn)

Changelog – 0015:

  • Added the block count to the second chart to give more context to the New Total Supply fluctuations

Changelog – 0010:

  • Reduced the number of data labels in the first chart to enhance visibility
  • Changed the second chart's title as per u/tobbelobb69's request

Changelog – 0009:

  • Added the time delta between the current burn and the previous one

Changelog – 0007:

  • Changed the number format of the Y-Axis and the Data Points to Millions to enhance readability
  • Backend: Reworked all formulas to capture the latest values I insert automatically, so I don't have to update the formulas after each data entry. Happy me 🥳

Changelog – 0004:

  • Added another chart showing the calculated deltas as per PacmanNZ100's request

Changelog – 0003:

  • Added Annualized Total Change % since the start of monitoring (22Nov21)
  • Extended the chart period to keep the latest data almost in the middle, with the forecast extending for a similar period
  • Calculation enhancements:
    • Annualization formulas are now based on 365 days instead of 52 weeks
    • Transaction times are now captured in the source data as opposed to dates only, formulas now use the absolute time deltas instead of deltas in days

Changelog – 0002:

  • Changed the post title and chart labels to use more accurate terms
  • Added WoW change to show the difference between this week's numbers and the previous one
  • Added trend lines to all chart series
  • Reading accuracy enhancements:
    • Readings are now being taken from bscscan based on the block number on which the burn took place instead of the date, now the total supply and total burn are in perfect sync


  • Logic
  • Supply
  • Burn

Previous post

Note: Let me know in the comments if you need any help interpreting the numbers

CAKE Supply Monitor - 0015 - 20220307