!💰BUSDPENCER💰! 7% Auto BUSD Rewads🚀 Just Launched! !🔒Liquidity Locked 🔒!Transparent Team!🔥 Big potencial! 💱 Poocoin ADS ✅

💭Telegram : https://t.me/BusdPencerProject

🎉BUSDPencer Token Was Launched 🎉

🔥Contract Adress :


🔥 BUSDPencer ( BUSDP )


🔥Rewarding in BUSD automatically: Every hour!

🔒 Liquidity locked on DxSale! 🔒

👨‍🚀 TAX 👨‍🚀

🔥13% Buy / Sell

🔥7% rewards 💰

🔥1% liquidity 💧

🔥5% Marketing

➡️Min of 50k BUSDP to start earning BUSD

🔒Liquidity locked 🔒

🐳 Antiwhale

💸Max buy 5 millions token

💸Max wallet 10 millions token

💸Max sell 2 millions token for time

Contract Adress :


The project has:

excellent potential ✅

great community ✅

excellent marketing plan ✅

active poocoin ads! ✅

💥 BusdPencer does not have a speculative purpose, but it has a better purpose, which is to create a solid community and make all members happy by automatically receiving rewards in Busd every hour! 🎯

🌟 The team is active 24 hours a day every day of the week, always willing to respond and welcome new investors 🌟

🎰 The team is working on a marketing plan that will allow the rapid development of the BusdPencer community around the world. will be used:

crypto influencer 💯

Twitter and instagram promoter 🔥

poocoin ads 💥

reddit post 🔆

and so on! 🚀

!💰BUSDPENCER💰! 7% Auto BUSD Rewads🚀 Just Launched! !🔒Liquidity Locked 🔒!Transparent Team!🔥 Big potencial! 💱 Poocoin ADS ✅