Bitget has announced its new Launchpool event

Nowadays it is probably hard to find new events providing bountiful earning opportunities for traders, users and newbies. Sometimes we look for events that provide plenteous benefits but eventually end up getting very tiny amounts of reward for participation. Bitget is offering its Launchpool event for one of its newly listed ZETA projects sharing a huge amount of approximately 336k USDT worth of rewards. However individual reward depends on the amount of BGB that has been staked by a single participant implying that it can vary from participant to participant. The amount of BGB can a single person stake is capped at 100k BGB which is almost impalpable.

Regardless of BGB staked, prize pool ROI can fluctuate over time and is 0.88% at present seems dynamic as incredibly increased from 0.5% thus it's albeit inevitable to change. Henceforth we might expect ROI to go as higher as the amount of BGB continues to accrue meanwhile we can't ignore the potential of BGB as it keeps rising with it. More than 36 Million BGB was staked so far assuming steady growth in its price. As I can remember the price of the BGB gained significant changes since the launchpool announcement from 0.58 cents to 0.64 cents which ultimately amplified those portfolios endured holding since the beginning of this Launchpool. The more the amount of BGB will be staked more the price will be enlarged resulting in participants ending up getting decent ROI on their investments and ZETA as a staking reward which is lucrative from my perspective.