Bitcoin is inevitable

Bitcoin is inevitable.
Electricity, computers, the internet—all of these had to be sufficiently developed for the first sound money of this era to emerge. Bitcoin could only have been born in a society where these technologies were advanced enough. Could it have been developed in a time without electricity? No. Without computers? The internet?
No. Why was Bitcoin created? Because of the 2008 financial crisis? Due to the efforts of people who had been trying to create electronic money for decades? All of these are correct.
However, the birth of Bitcoin was primarily because human society had advanced enough for it to be developed and expanded. It emerged at just the right time. In this modern era, which has seen significant technological advancements, a sound currency with properties like decentralization, censorship resistance, and the ability to transcend the limits of time and space could be developed. Even if it wasn't Bitcoin in 2009, such a monetary revolution was bound to happen at some point. As human civilization advances, the development of electronic money is a natural progression. Bitcoin, arriving in a very neat form at the right time, is gradually changing the nature of the monetary system and capital.

8 thoughts on “Bitcoin is inevitable”

  1. And most of the people are still blind to this. I tell you it is only going to click for them when Taylor Swift or whatever influencer tells them it is a legit form of money.

    From all the people I know only two invested and both of them ONLY during bull markets – ignoring completly when it was around 20k couple years ago, while they already invested during 2021 bull markets. It blows my mind.

    I repeated to one of them during the big dip last bear market and “I will just wait to come back up and sell”. I told him now is the time to DCA, so you are early on the green when it pumps. “Nah I think this is the end now”

    … all of this after telling him how the market cycle worked, the halvings, everything. He ignores all he learnt and focus on the price ONLY. “Buy for 50k now is 20k this is a scam”

    My point is, even tho it is inevitable, people are STUPID as fuck when it comes to makes big changes on what they believed their whole life and I am not saying that just random. People just stick with their own beliefs and get biased on his own mentality forever. Worst is when the news you get on your phone are targeted and so people keep being on their own bubble.

    It is sad. Inevitable yes. But it will take decades. It is good for us tho.

  2. i wish i could use the time stone and buy from a few years ago.

    a coin seems so far away 🙁

  3. been saying this for years. Bitcoin’s dominance was set into place the moment Satoshi turned it on.

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