πŸ”₯ Avakus | AVAK πŸ“± AMA Monday 9:00pm EST ⏰ ERC20 Utility Token, Zero Tax βœ…

Avakus is an ERC20 Utility Token with an All-In-One Wallet/Trading Platform in Development. The app will simplify cryptocurrency trading. Beta release December 2021. It’s your chance to be an early investor in this mega projec! AMA will be in the official Avakus telegram Monday 9pm EST. Links below.


πŸ¦„ Uniswap Trade Link:

Website: https://Avakus.io

Telegram: https://t.me/AvakusToken

Coin Gecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/avakus

Contract: 0x724dd18be5de3ed3d6ad7bb46d7387d867cdbdcc