Anonymity And Privacy Propelled By; $ATOR.

As the crypto space grows, different consensus mechanisms are springing up. I just got wind of Airtor’s proof of Uptime mechanism. Through this, it allows relay operators to be paid in its native token for uptime and verified transactions on chain.

The relay called $ATOR relay is a small, low powered device that can be used as a relay framework in connecting Wifi or Ethernet. The intent of it is for easy setup, configuration and maintenance for non technical users.

Its team has forged some partnerships to boost the project’s growth, and the project will be building a formidable partnership with Steamr ( a decentralised platform for data broadcasting). Through this, decentralisation and privacy will be enhanced.

Similarly, it is well built on the ideals of anonymity and privacy. It leverages on ‘’The Onion Router’’ (TOR) to bring forth packet anonymity.

This project has come with a lot of novel and worthwhile ideas, I'm pretty sure this will translate to the projec’ts growth. Its native token $ATOR is soon to be listed on bitget on April 22nd, 2024.

If you're also positive about $ATOR, lets discuss more about it.