Akino Inu – is a hyper-deflationary token which is 100% driven by the community and owned by its fun which the contract is already proven x10000 | LP locked 1 year | Just Launched


🐶 Akino Inu | $AKINO 🐶

Akino Inu $AKINO is a hyper-deflationary token whose aim is to invest in multiple asset classes such as NFTs, nodes, altcoins, staking & farming of stablecoins. Unlike FaaS projects, this investement diversity allows to mitigate the risk while taking advantage of the possible non-correlated growth of the trending assets.

Akino Inu $AKINO is intended to be a hyper-deflationary token, profits made on treasury investments are then used to Charity ( Community Vote ), buyback & burn Akino Inu $AKINO tokens. In addition to this deflationary mechanism, Akino Inu $AKINO has implemented an automatic 1% burn . The merger of these two mechanisms guarantees a continuous rising price floor due to the decrease of the circulating supply.


🔒 Anti-bot Measures in Contract

📈 10% BUY / 11% SELL TAX

💎 Experienced Team

🔥 True Burn

📄 Audit Passed without issue

💰 Treasury

1% Reflection

2% Liquidity Pool

3% Treasury

4% Marketing

Recommended slippage 12-13%

Official links

Contract : 0x980667ba629b7022be42519f0d6703678e55ccb0

Telegram: https://t.me/akino_inu

Website: https://akinoinu.pro/

Pancakeswap: https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0x980667ba629b7022be42519f0d6703678e55ccb0

🔒 100% Liquidity Locked: https://mudra.website/?certificate=yes&type=0&lp=0x37ee0ab71495db0f3907bed35be71e855d5bb4be

Akino Inu - is a hyper-deflationary token which is 100% driven by the community and owned by its fun which the contract is already proven x10000 | LP locked 1 year | Just Launched