7 Signs You’re an Early Adopter if You Buy Bitcoin Today. #1: 7.8 billion people on Earth, and only 130 million Bitcoin users.

When a technological revolution is born and prepares to take over the world, it's best to be in the early adopters' camp. Those users who will adopt this new technology before everyone else, and who will ultimately gain an impressive advantage over the rest of the world's inhabitants.

Imagine if you had been fully aware of the incredible potential of the Internet in the late 90s. You could have invested massively in the shares of future web giants like Amazon or Google.

Imagine if you had understood before others that social networks were going to become something vital for the majority of the Earth's inhabitants in the mid-2000s. Then you could have invested massively in Facebook.

Imagine if you had understood before others that streaming was going to become the preferred mode of consumption for content. You would have invested in Netflix in the early 2010s.

I'll stop there, but you get the idea. Understanding before others that technology will revolutionize the world of tomorrow, but more importantly, taking action by investing in it, can change your future life.

With Bitcoin, you're looking at something comparable, but x100. Because Bitcoin is not just another technological revolution. Bitcoin is an incredible monetary revolution that offers you the opportunity to take back the power over your money. Bitcoin is an alternative to the current monetary and financial system. That's all it is!

And yet, the vast majority of the world's inhabitants have to realize the incredible benefits of the Bitcoin system. If you make the effort to understand the why of Bitcoin now and decide on your own to take action, then you will be an early adopter, with all the rewards that will bring in the future.

To support my thesis, I see 7 major signs that I describe to you in the latest issue of In Bitcoin We Trust Newsletter:


7 Signs You’re an Early Adopter if You Buy Bitcoin Today. #1: 7.8 billion people on Earth, and only 130 million Bitcoin users.