🛡️🕹️ We’re launching the StartPlay Series to help new players quickly learn the ropes and dive into the exciting world of Pancake Protectors. You’ll easily grasp key gameplay strategies and fully enjoy your Pancake Protectors adventure!

🛡️🕹️ We're launching the StartPlay Series to help new players quickly learn the ropes and dive into the exciting world of Pancake Protectors. You'll easily grasp key gameplay strategies and fully enjoy your Pancake Protectors adventure!

1️⃣ Getting Started: Connect your wallet

➡️ https://protectors.pancakeswap.finance/

2️⃣ Dive into the Tutorial: Follow our bunny 🐰🗺️

🏙️ Explore Pancake Main City & strategies

3️⃣ Enter the Main Game at “Chapter” 🎮📖

⚔️ Defend your base & use your heroes

4️⃣ Advance Through Chapters: Click “Battles” 🏹🔛

👣 Move through game chapters

5️⃣ Try the Auto-Challenge Mode: Allow heroes to autonomously use power-ups 💪🤖

🔄 Set heroes on auto-mode

6️⃣ Claim Rewards: Obtain GOLD, EXP points, weapons, heroes & more 🎁🔍

🏆 Daily AFK Rewards, Quick AFK, Quests, Challenges

✨ 'Make a Wish' to see all possible rewards

🕹️ Spread the word and have fun conquering your Pancake adventures! 🎉

🛡️You're all set to be our protectors. Next time, we will guide you on how to recruit and train up heroes. 🦸‍♂️🦸‍♀️

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