Why isn’t there more hype when we’re in a bear market? You can still make good profits shorting coins, imagine if you shorted Luna when it crashed. Bull market isn’t the only time to make money.

More projects will crash and there will be more opportunities for huge profits. IMO it's easier to see a coin is about to crash then it is to see a coin is about to moon. If a coin is exposed to have a massive flaw that is going to be exploited like what happened to Luna then that is a good indication it could crash. And if the project leaders for a coin are shown to be doing some fraud or shady activities that is another indication a coin could crash. As we continue in a bear market more and more projects are getting squeezed and having to lay off a large amount of employees. More projects will start engaging in bad practices and put their coin at risk of plummeting in price if they're exposed. A lot of people think a bull market is the only time to make money but a bear market also provides great opportunities if you're smart about it.

A lot of these projects are playing a dangerous games it's just up to who catches them first and profits the most from their crash. I'm the head mod of r/eth and sometimes people tell me about shady things going on with certain projects. I was considering putting together a group that analyzes different projects for things like fraud, bad practices, bad financials etc. and figures out which ones are most likely to crash. Would you interested in the findings of a group like that?

Why isn't there more hype when we're in a bear market? You can still make good profits shorting coins, imagine if you shorted Luna when it crashed. Bull market isn't the only time to make money.