pyro quickswap x klee vape | 2.7 spiral abyss floor 12 full clear (9 stars)


pyro quickswap x klee vape | 2.7 spiral abyss floor 12 full clear (9 stars)

there’s probably a more optimal way of playing klee in this kind of comp but i had fun just throwing bombs.💣 first half – xiangling(c6), bennett(c6), kazuha(c0), venti(c0) second half – klee(c0), zhongli(c0), yelan(c0), xingqiu(c6) 0:00 12-1-1 1:16 12-1-2 2:09 12-2-1 3:06 12-2-2 4:32 12-3-1 4:58 12-3-2 6:37 builds 1 7:40 builds 2 s