I warned about LUNA, Celsius, and recently Genesis. Today they halted withdrawals. My posts got removed and my account banned from r/cryptocurrency. Cant save peoples assets if reddit mods control the information. They are directly causing massive losses.

NEWS: Genesis Suspending Client Withdrawals for Lending Arm Citing 'FTX Impact' https://decrypt.co/114778/genesis-suspending-client-withdrawals-lending-arm-citing-ftx-impact

One of the threads warning users about Genesis before r/cryptocurrency banned my account for misleading information: https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/yrzh7t/update_yet_again_genesis_is_admitting_to_hundreds/

My next prediction is Binance insolvency. It may be tomorrow or in a few years. Cant time it, but all the red flags are there. Fractional reserves can be around for a long time, it really depends on how stupid the users' are by not withdrawing funds that arent there.

Without a 3rd party Audit AND proof of reserves we must assume Binance is unable to provide this data because they are insolvent. A failure to act in this industry is evidence of insolvency.

Edit: Now messaged the mods and looks like im unbanned.

Edit2: now they manually banned me after seeing this post. You know, cant speak about bans or you get banned
because that makes sense? Terrific work guys.

I warned about LUNA, Celsius, and recently Genesis. Today they halted withdrawals. My posts got removed and my account banned from r/cryptocurrency. Cant save peoples assets if reddit mods control the information. They are directly causing massive losses.