How To Buy Illuvium Land (+IlluviDEX, MetaMask & IMX Tutorial)


How To Buy Illuvium Land (+IlluviDEX, MetaMask & IMX Tutorial)

In this IlluviDEX tutorial video, we cover the basics that you need to know to buy Illuvium land including connecting your Metamask wallet to IMX. Research & Buy Land on The IlluviDEX: e Article Guide on buying land: 2 1. Create a MetaMask (MM) account wallet on Ethereum if you don’t have one already. Have a MM already? Skip to step 2. 2. Load up your MetaMask wallet on Ethereum (Layer 1) with enough ETH and/or sILV2 to cover the cost of your Land purchase(s) plus the Ethereum gas fee for each transaction. 3. Visit the IlluviDex, the official Illuvium marketplace. Connect — Get Started (*Note if using a hardware wallet – you may need to select “use a different wallet”. These steps are shown below in the next section). 4. Connect with MetaMask by selecting your correct account. Next. 5. Connect. 6. Sign to give access for Immutable X (confirm your account is correct). 7. Sign Signature Request on MetaMask. 8. Set Up Immutable X Key. 9. Sign the MetaMask Signature Request. 10. IMX Setup complete. Close. 11. Select your correct account and Connect with MetaMask to the IlluviDex. Next. 12. Connect. 13. That’s it! you’re now connected! You can see in the upper right hand of the IlluviDex that is now shows your connected IMX wallet. #IlluviDEX #BuyLand