Help the devs make history tomorrow, on May 15th, the upgrade day

On May 15th, Bitcoin Cash will fork with two new cool improvements: Bigger Integers and Native Introspection. Check out the specs, for example, here (as usual there is no one official source, I pasted the one that I had handy).

The fork/upgrade will happen when the first transaction that is incompatible with the old rules will be mined. And guess what, you can be part of this history, if you are so inclined.

u/bitcoincashautist has created an UTXO that is spendable only by using the new features. It's actually really clever, because with it, you can make history while also getting BCH for it. Do check out the details in his recent thread. The clock is ticking so hurry up!

If you're not into riddles, and making history is a reward in itself, you can just propagate your own forking transaction, you can do so with this script by Mr Culianu. Don't be intimidated, most of it is just boilerplate to avoid dependecies. This lets you wait for the right time to propagate a transaction, so that you don't need to do it manually. As written in the documentation, the usage is [sleeptime]. Very conveniently, Mr Culianu has already set up a P2SH UTXO for this, and you can actually use the following to fork:

./ localhost 8332 MyRPCUserName MyRPCPassword 1652616000 0200000001f3aaf89275c451ba0668a34dcbdb759a657ad2a2eee35fbee41d9fd825ebaf16000000007a10476f20424348212059617921010203044c677400a06375687400a06375687400a06375687400a06375687400a06375687400a06375687400a06375687400a06375680400000001040000000295070000000000000288c35188c4518800cd1976a9147ee7b62fa98a985c5553ff66120a91b8189f658188ac87ffffffff0119030000000000001976a9147ee7b62fa98a985c5553ff66120a91b8189f658188ac00000000

Requirements: an up to date bitcoind, python.

Actually, you can do both, and solve u/bitcoincashautist's challenge beforehand, and plug the solution into Mr Culianu's script, and have it execute at the fork second. How awesome is that?

Anyway, Happy Fork Day!