Decentralized identities: The complex side of blockchain technology.

Blockchain as we know it today is still very much in its infancy – there are a lot more developments that could be done to help it reach a widespread level of adoption. It's worthy to note that there are actual projects progressing in making this a possibility.

But there are many issues regarding the ease of use in blockchain and its services that need to be addressed if we're going to go further.

One of blockchain’s major problems is that there are too many networks – the numbers keep increasing rapidly on a daily basis. With so many blockchains coexisting, one would expect easy management of identities, assets, or rights across them, with simple and functional interoperability between them.

But that's not the case. Instead, it's actually quite difficult at the moment, with each chain requiring individual authorization and specific keys or seed phrases to gain access. While it shouldn’t be a huge issue, it actually is when users have assets and wallets spread across numerous chains, with different keys needed for authorization to manage them.

Open Rights Exchange (ORE) contributes to easing the authorization processes required to manage multiple wallets, identities, and assets across multiple chains with a single password, all from one universal OREID account. This, in my opinion, eases a major blockchain problem.

By making it possible to navigate across multiple wallet identities from one account and use everyday web2 identities (i.e. email addresses or social media logins) to seamlessly connect to the blockchain, ORE solves many of the blockchain’s core issues and lowers the barrier to entry. New users can now be easily onboarded to use blockchain tech, as they’ll see it as easy and convenient without worrying about losing their private keys or seed phrases.

As blockchain evolves, it’s introducing more practical use cases in our day-to-day activities and could be equally important as the internet is today. Many of the issues are already being addressed – it’s only a matter of time before blockchain reaches true mass adoption.

Decentralized identities: The complex side of blockchain technology.